Club Philosophy
It is our philosophy in coaching to develop athletes to reach their full potential as individuals and to learn to bond as a team. In bonding as a team, there must be complete trust in your coaches and your teammates.
In order to achieve success we as a team must be:
a) Committed b) Hard working c) Coachable d) Team Players.
Committed: Our athletes must be committed to the team by attending all practices, games and team functions. Athletes are asked to contact their coaches to discuss potential conflicts.
Hard Working: The athletes must work hard at each and every practice. They will be challenged both physically and mentally.
Coachable: It is important that athletes are coachable. They need to be willing to try new things or positions, learn, and accept corrections. In order to improve and become better each and every day, this is essential.
Team players: Being a team player and being a close-knit team is critical for success. Players need to cheer for one another and accept their roles. If a player’s role, prior to provincials or nationals, sees him coming off the bench to contribute, they must accept this role and to be ready to contribute with that role. Not everyone can be a starter on a team with 6 starters starting each game.
We feel that these four characteristics are extremely important for team success. But even more importantly they are valuable life skills. Being strong in these areas will help the athletes become better people.
It is important that the athletes have a positive and memorable experience. Meeting new friends, sharing good times, and experiences are one of the greatest outcomes in sports. We will strive to make this volleyball team a positive, memorable, and rewarding experience. Practice time will be a very important time in the athletes development, not just game time!